Great leaders aren’t just born; they’re developed.

Helping students grow into who they are and giving them awareness of their talents can be an intense task. It can be easier for leaders to just pull in the ones who are naturally gifted and miss the students that require a little more effort.

Cultivate is a leadership weekend to develop high school students in their skills and ability to lead. We want to invite youth pastors to attend with their students to create accountability and implement what they’ve learned. Everyone has the ability to add value to others around them. SWAT wants each student to recognize their potential to lead at a young age and leverage their abilities for the Kingdom.

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As a youth minister, your students are your greatest asset. Students who are given responsibility and ownership take initiative. Through this process they begin to understand more about who they are and how to utilize the skills they posses. Cultivate takes those skills and puts them into practical application for the students to better lead in their church and community.

Each student will apply to attend and needs a reference from their youth minister. We treat this process of attending very similar to a job application. We want students to be developed holistically and the application is a part of that process.

 The next generation of leaders

This generation of students is very eager to add value to their culture. Cultivate is specific in drawing out courage, giving confidence, and empowering them to make a difference in their generation. Students are also given tools that they take home to apply when serving in their community or church. SWAT believes this generation is worth investing in and Cultivate is one of the ways we make this happen.

Cultivate isn’t for everyone but it is a crucial step for any student wanting to lead or for youth pastors developing a student leadership team. Do you want to grow or know someone who would benefit from bettering themselves as a leader?

Need more info? Contact us to see how we can best partner with you.

Click here for downloadable resources.


Disciple Next

