Knowing the Word of God


The Bible is one of the most important treasures that Christians can possess. It is God’s Words written for us to read and learn more about how we navigate our lives and spiritual walk. The Church often uses the Bible as a foundation builder in developing and maintaining a relationship with God. Although it is something that we know is important, and hear about all the time, do we personally spend time in it daily?

With so much happening around us, the world is moving at a much faster pace and does not seem to be slowing down any time soon. Between work, school, clubs, and maintaining relationships, spending time in the Word, meditating on it, and praying can often be pushed to the back-burner. However, how do we know which way we should go or what decisions we should make if we aren’t spending time reading the Bible? Psalms 119:105 says “Your Word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path.” The Bible is a tool that God has given us to direct our steps and give us wisdom. It is something that can be applied to all areas of life and any type of situation, as long as we choose to go to it.

The Bible is Life-Changing

Despite it being written thousands of years ago, the Bible is still relevant today. Without it, we are left defenseless from attacks of the enemy and disconnected from the Father’s love. By spending time in the Bible we can learn the truth of the way God desires us to live. Matthew 5:14 says “You are the light of the world—like a city on a hilltop that cannot be hidden.” As Christians, we are called to be different from the world around us. We are called to live lives of holiness, but how are we supposed to do that if we don’t know how. That is the importance of spending time in the Word. Through that, Christ reveals to us how we should live our lives, and He refines us more and more into resembling Him. 

Reading also helps us know what is right or wrong. While we all have our own experiences that influence how we think today, the Bible is definite and unchanging. Whatever you see there is always right and so referring back to that never-changing foundation will always keep you from straying off the narrow path. Whether it be conversing with a fellow Christian, evangelizing to a nonbeliever, or loving an enemy, grounding yourself in the Bible will keep you moving forward and let others see you as a light. 

Lastly, the Bible helps us learn who we are in Christ. Satan wants nothing more but for Christians to walk around living depressed and defeated. By reading the Bible, we see who God says we are. We are loved, called, chosen, victorious, joint-heirs with Christ and so much more. Each moment we spend in the Word, we are reminded that we have a purpose in our lives, and with God’s help, we can achieve it.

Being Intentional in the Word

When we open the Bible, we need to open it with a heart and mind that is willing to receive what God is trying to say to us. God is always speaking, and pretty much all of the time the problem is that we are not listening. Having a spirit that is ready to receive is a powerful tool when reading God’s Word. We need to be intentional in setting aside time to read and also intentional when reading the Bible. Psalm 1:2 says “But they delight in the law of the Lord, meditating on it day and night.” We should make a conscious effort to start and end our day with some form of quiet time with God, that way, we can have God’s words running through our minds throughout the day. Notice, the verb used meditating is also one where one is entirely immersed into the Word. It is not another motion we go through every day but rather something we sit down, understand, and thrive off of in our daily life. 

This may be difficult, especially when we all have extremely busy schedules. But at the end of the day, something to think about is what are our top priorities? As Christians, our spiritual walk should be our first priority so I would encourage every Christian to set some time aside for their Lord. A method for doing this is to set a small goal for ourselves, and then gradually expand upon it. There are also so many tools that can help us, such as podcasts, devotionals, or Bible reading plans. Here are some examples:

Stephen: I spend 30 minutes every morning with a book called New Morning Mercies by Paul David Tripp. The general routine is I read the devotion, then read the chapter in the Bible that the devotion refers to, and then pray. The most important part to me is praying and focussing my mind around God during that time, it is when I get to talk to God and be in His presence. I would encourage you to ease yourself into the Bible. Find ways you enjoy reading the Bible whether that be through daily devotional podcasts, books, or writing!

Rosa: I spend my time with God in the morning before I start her day. I set my alarm 15-30 minutes earlier and spend time in the Word and in prayer. I pick a book of the Bible I want to dive deeper into, and then read one chapter a day, taking notes of what stands out to me.


All in all, one of the biggest differences that separates Christianity from other religions is the relationship we have with God. To us, God is our father, our teacher, our friend, and most importantly, our God. The Bible should not only be a way for us to gain knowledge and learn more about what we believe in but also something we cherish and are connected to. Spending more time with our God will evoke within us a desire to get to know Him deeper and carry what His Word says with us throughout our day and the rest of our lives.

Small Group Interns - Rosa & Stephen


Power in Prayer


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